Sunday, February 21, 2010

Great Salt Lake

Mountains jut from the vast smooth mirror of water.
Clouds are darkened and lightened by rays of cold sunlight.
Cattails grow and wave at passerby with golden streamers.
Ducks, cattle, and horses all wander in a fading filter of shadow and light.
Alternating parts of snow and grass unite to a graceful point in the grey sky.
Flaking paint on smokey wood leans in towards inevitable rest in the ground.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


You can hear your heart pumping with energy.
You can feel the electricity in the air with every intake of breath.
You can see every color bolder and brighter.
You can feel the control of everything succumbing to your will of motion in your hands.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I almost slipped and fell for you,
But caught myself and stood.
No way, no how, that's not my true choice.
A voice in my head, "Carry on". I would.