Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A bunch of crappy poems because, you know, what the heck

I Don't Want to Share My Room, No Siree, I Dislike It On Any Day I Do

I really rather dislike
this line thing down the boards
that separates our sides
because yours is a real bore.
I'd rather have a wall
to replace that pallid tape
so I would not have to look
at your mess when I wake.

It really would be nice
to not have to shut my face
because you're chatting with your friends
on that website that starts with "face"! (You see what I did there? That is a perfect rhyme.)
Imagine your joy at it!
To line the walls with black
posters of your favorite bands
and your skeleton mask, Jack.

But alas, our brother lives at home
and still, so true, do we
so when you ask to turn off the light,

 An Anti-Ode to Physics

So what if you're law?  Screw that.

She Could Live in the Couch if She Wanted To

One day I was sitting here,
doing what I'm doing now,
when *all of a sudden*
from the couch I heard a meow.

I turned to look at what it was,
"You say Tina fell in the well?"
But my cat just stared at me like I was dumb
And I figured it was just as well. (I'm so good at this rhyming stuff, you guys.)

I wrote a haiku.
It's deep and real meaningful.
Oh, I'm out of space.

And then all of the cheese in the world became stinky blue cheese and I was sad.

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