Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Do As I Tell You, Not As You Think

Am I just another toy of the media?
Am I just another plaything of everything I read?
Am I just another doll formed by models on billboards?
Am I just another game played by advertisements on the radio?
Am I just another knick-knack left on a shelf by the news channel?
Am I just another trinket told what's "right" and "wrong" by reality TV?
Am I?
They've used me so much that now it's hard to tell...


  1. OMG! Rachel, that is beautiful! You might know me from Susan Beth Pfeffer's blog. I'm Sunshine :-). That poem has captured a beautiful essence. It hits me right in my heart, soul, and mind. That is precisely like I feel. You know, we seem very similar. I shall check your blog daily, like Sue's. Write another comment to me on tour blog or Sue's.

    ~~Sunshine :-)

  2. Ha ha, thanks. :) That actually just made my day. I wish you had a blog so that I could check yours daily too!

  3. I know! My parents won't let me get a blog. They say, "It's dangerous." It doesn't have to be. You can use fake names and pictures. Besides, I'm a responsible young lady. I can take care of myself. Rachel, your poems are beautiful. Have you ever considered having your poems printed in a book. I know I would buy it. You would become rich and famous and I would say, "I told her to do this. I knew her before."
    Your welcome,

    ~~ Sunshine :-)

  4. Ha ha ha! :D
    Yes, I have thought of it. I have other friends that tell me to do that with my drawings. I actually have a notebook that I'm trying to write everything in... but I don't know if I'd ever publish it.
    I know other people who make fake profiles too (her parents are ultra-protective) I figure, as long as you don't give out vital information about yourself, you should be okay... but parents make the rules. :P
